Sean Ferns

Sean Ferns - WordPress Manager

Need a WordPress Manager?


Sean Ferns

Are you looking for a motivated web developer with a passion for all things WordPress? Look no further! I am a full stack WordPress developer and manager with expertise in plugins, widgets, and all facets of the WordPress CMS?

Experienced in SEO and website domain creation to completion.

Skilled in creating engaging dynamic and interactive websites.

100% dedicated to providing superior customer service at all levels, at all times.




Professional WordPress management for small businesses by Sean Ferns



Sean Ferns gives you personal service



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0412 605 592

Sean Ferns B&W, in Office
Sean Ferns - Star

Experience Counts

Experience matters in website management. With years of practice comes knowledge, speed, accuracy, and efficiency. As an experienced WordPress manager, I have honed my skills to provide quick, reliable service that gets the job done right, every time.

Sean Ferns - Star

Turnaround Time

My remarkable speed and unwavering commitment to quality enable me to handle a substantial workload promptly. With an efficient process and extensive experience, I execute tasks swiftly and meticulously. Whether it's website updates, plugin installations, theme customizations, or content management, I deliver precise results.

Small Business Specialist

Managing a website can be overwhelming, but I’m here to help. As a dedicated WordPress manager, I take the time to get to know each of my clients and their unique needs. From regular updates to backups and security checks, I personally handle every aspect of website management so you don’t have to worry. You can count on me to provide attentive, personalized service and ensure that your website runs smoothly, leaving you more time to focus on growing your business.

Every customer can rest assured that their companies website will be personally managed, updated and backed up by me.

Sean Ferns - Star

Limited Client list

To ensure the best possible service to all of my customers I limit the amount of clients I manage personally so as to be able to dedicate the time required for every important customer.

Sean Ferns - Star

Personal Service

When you need assistance with your website the number you call will connect to me. As your website is one of your businesses most important assets, you want a website manager that is contactable and accountable. This is my commitment to you.

Working with WordPress since 2007

Sean has a strong skillset in software development, with particular expertise in Python, JavaScript, and SQL. He is also proficient in HTML/CSS and has experience working with various web development frameworks such as Flask and Django. Sean has demonstrated his ability to work on both front-end and back-end development projects and has a good understanding of data structures and algorithms. He is a dedicated learner and stays up-to-date with the latest technologies in his field. With his skills and experience, Sean is well-equipped to take on a wide range of software development projects.

HTML5 provides new and improved tags and attributes for embedding multimedia content such as audio and video, creating animations and graphics with the canvas and SVG elements, and building more interactive web applications using features such as local storage and web workers.

CSS3 allows us to create complex animations and transitions that can enhance user experience and make web pages more engaging. It also provides more advanced options for creating responsive web designs, such as media queries and flexbox.

JavaScript is a popular scripting language used for creating interactive and dynamic web pages. It is capable of creating a variety of effects and behaviors on a web page, and can also be used for server-side programming with Node.js.

Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language that emphasizes code readability and simplicity. It provides constructs that enable clear programming on both small and large scales, making it a popular choice for a wide range of applications, from scripting to web development to scientific computing.

Java is an object-oriented, class-based programming language that is designed to be portable and platform-independent, meaning it can run on any device or operating system that has a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) installed.

Why choose me? - Maturity, Experience, Quality, Speed.

Website Tweaks

I offer website tweaks and small content changes to keep your website up-to-date and running smoothly. Whether you need to update your contact information or add new images to your portfolio, I’m here to help. In addition, I also offer image optimization services to improve website load times and enhance user experience.

I can add content, themes, widgets, plugins and professional templates to your website as often or as little as you require.

Online Support

The most important part of my role when managing a website  is Customer Service to my own customers before anything else. 

When you need me, I am available 24 hours a day (for emergencies). 

Personal Service

As an independent web developer, I provide a personalized approach to work, which means superior customer service. By focusing on clients’ unique needs, goals, and preferences, I build lasting relationships based on trust, communication, and mutual respect. With accessibility, responsiveness, and attention to detail, I exceed clients’ expectations. Working with me means receiving a high level of service that larger companies can’t match.

Website Backups/Updates

I offer a comprehensive service that includes regular backups of your website data and files, as well as automatic updates of the WordPress system and plugins. With this service, you can rest assured that your website is always protected from potential security threats and running on the latest version of WordPress.

I am Cost Effective

With 15 years of WordPress experience, I offer cost-effective website development solutions. As a smaller developer, my overheads are lower than larger companies, allowing me to offer personalized service and expert guidance without breaking the bank. My expertise in WordPress ensures high-quality work, delivered on-time and within budget.”

You can talk to me anytime about what elements you wish to add to your website.


Website Management

Managing a WordPress site can be a time-consuming and complex task, especially if you’re not familiar with the technical aspects of the platform. services provide you with a team of experts who can handle everything from website backups and security updates to plugin installations and website customization.